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Proper water storage and filtration is key to any survival situation. You don't need to face a massive disaster to have need for clean drinking water. Even just a short disruption in supply can wreak havoc on any community. Being prepared is more simple and affordable than ever before. Scroll down to view time tested and proven storage and filtration products.
How Much Water You Should Drink?
The first thing you need to do is figure out how much water your body requires while at rest. At rest includes activities like desk work, reading, watching tv, etc... Your at rest need for water will be your absolute minimum water requirement. In a disaster situation you can expect to be stressed and not at rest, so your water requirements will be higher.
The basic equation is simple, just divide your body weight in half. So, if you weigh 200 pounds, you would require approx. 100 ounces of water each day - this is if you are at rest - not if you are working out or hiking or moving around a lot.
Thirst and dry mouth are not the first signs of dehydration. In fact, by the time you notice these symptoms, your body's cells are already craving water. Thirst is just your body giving you a heads-up, but your body is already feeling the effects of too little water.
Remember almost 60% of our total body weight is water. That's why our body weight can fluctuate so dramatically and quickly… especially after exercising and sweating in the heat.
To figure how many cups of water you need - Divide your ounces required by eight to estimate your fluid needs in cups per day, rounding up to the nearest full cup. [example: 200 x .5 = 100 ounces; 100 ounces divided by 8 = 12.5 cups of fluid per day]. Your food can contain water too so use these calculations as basic guidelines.