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100 Hour Plus Emergency Candles, SET of 3 or 6
100 Hour Plus Emergency Candles, SET of 3 or 6100 Hour Plus Emergency Candles, SET of 3 or 6
100 Hour Plus Emergency Candles, SET of 3 or 6
Item #:az-100hour
Regular price:$35.99
Availability:Usually ships in 1-2 weeks
Product Description:
100 Hour Plus Emergency Candles, Clear Mist - SET OF 3 Long-Burning Survival Candles. Add just $15 for a set of 6!!

These handy "candles" will outlast a 9 day emergency. Burns liquid paraffin for over 100 hours of light. It is also odorless and smokeless, making it a great emergency light source. Keep one handy with a book of matches taped to it for your next power outage. The liquid fuel is sealed inside, with only the wick exposed. You can extinguish, and use again and again. A very safe source of light! Set of three 100 hour candles.

Shipping Note:This item is stocked in a different warehouse than some of our other items. It is in high demand and subject to back-order. To speed delivery, we may ship this item separately from other items on your order. We will rush it out as quickly as possible but please allow some extra time for delivery.

Review: I bought six of these candles after being without electricity for a week after superstorm Sandy hit, which was followed soon after by a nor easter that knocked the power back out again.

The drug store candles I was using left black soot on the walls of my home! I can only imagine what my lungs looked like.

They're a little pricey, but I tried one out and it worked great. Just pull up the wick a bit for a bigger flame. Don't forget to save the caps to re-seal them after you're done using them.

So worth it for the peace of mind.

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